Read, Grow, Communicate...
“Your library” community members participate in book clubs and discussions, where they encourage their hobby by meeting like-minded individuals, having regular discussions about books and authors they’ve read, and getting a lot of recommendations for new books.
With a subscription to "Your Library" you will get the following benefits:
Book Clubs and Discussions,
Meeting with authors
Making new friends with like-minded people
By being subscribed as a “Your Library” community member, you help create a bright future for children experiencing severe health complications, as a part of your subscription fee goes to the Health Fund for Children of Armenia.
You pay an 890 AMD fee monthly,
100 AMD of which is being donated.
Subscribe and be a member of a community of book lovers, taking part in different book clubs!
By being subscribed to the community, you will be paying an 890 AMD fee monthly.
How do I join “Your Library”?Go to the Subscription page of the website, you’ll be prompted to submit your name, email address, phone number and select the genres you prefer to read. That’s it, you’re all set!
I just signed up. What do I do next? And how does the subscription work?Here’s what you get with your membership: “Your library” community members are having regular book clubs and discussions, also they're taking part in different meetings with authors. They are additionally informed about them by e-mails, which allows them to constantly keep up to date with book events and participate.
How do I participate in book clubs and discussions?As soon as there is an upcoming event, we will let you know, so that you will check the selected book out and read it to be involved in the discussion.
How do I become a benefactor by my subscription fee?About 100 AMD of your monthly fee goes to Health Fund for Children of Armenia, which finances the treatment of children with severe health problems.